
Psychotherapy Sessions

All Clients: $60-70/session (Sliding scale through Open Path Collective) or $100-250/session (Sliding Scale / Out-of-Network Benefits Eligible through Holistic Psychotherapy NYC)

If you are interested in seeing me for psychotherapy sessions, please use one of the links above. Please Note: I am only able to see clients with a residential address in New York State. I also am seeing clients primarily through Telehealth at the moment.


Astrology Session

New Clients: $85-135 (60 mins) / $130-190 (90 mins)

Returning Clients: $75-125 (60 mins) / $130-190 (90 mins)

Astrology is a potent tool. Are you interested in learning more about yourself — which traits aid you, and which ones to be aware of in order to grow? Where to place your focus in life for your greatest benefit? What's going on for you this year? Start here.

My consultation style draws from my counseling experience, and is meant to empower you to make wise choices, recognize your strengths, and to hold your “less desirable” parts with the utmost compassion. The session is ideally a good balance of conversational and informational elements (I'd rather speak with you than speak at you the entire time, though I know that can be difficult given how much might be at play!) I use both Whole Sign and Placidus house systems when calculating your natal chart from a Western perspective, and I incorporate elements of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology.)

Before the reading, I will inquire about anything you would like to focus on. This is your time, so it will serve us both best if you are clear on what you are hoping to explore in our session! If you would like a general birth chart reading, we can do that as well, but it’s always of interest to me to know what inspired you to reach out at this particular time.

This offering may include a follow-up email with relevant information or recommendations from our reading. Available via Google Meet. Book here.

*If you are unable to pay the full price, please email me at so we can try to find a more affordable rate. I want to make my offerings as accessible as possible.

Mini Astrology Session

Returning Clients Only: $20-31 (15 mins) / $38-62 (30 mins)

Have we already met? Maybe now you have one or two specific topics, themes, or questions you want to explore since our last session. This shorter offering is ideal for those who have already had a longer reading and want specific guidance or follow-up, but don't feel that there is a need for a lengthier reading. Available via Google Meet or a recording emailed to you. Book here.

Holistic Wellness

Holistic Wellness Consultations

Initial Consultation: Free (20 mins)

Cost Per Session: $80-150* (60 mins)

Perhaps you’re ready for a change, or looking to delve deeper into certain patterns, habits, or aspects of your life a bit more experimentally. In these sessions, we investigate where the themes or topics at hand manifest in your chart, what the current astrological climate is for you in particular, and how best to navigate this situation or aspect of self you are interested in focusing on. I offer my support through various resources or sets of knowledge including astrology, Ayurveda, Nonviolent Communication, and more, on a more regular basis. This offering is a more steady support as you move towards wholeness.

We are all best supported in different ways, so I tailor the experience to each person’s needs, hopes, and situation. Sometimes I may also suggest exercises, tasks, or reading to do outside of our time together, while also respecting your agency and choice.

We will always always start out weekly initially so we can get to know each other and get the ball rolling, but the frequency of our meetings may shift as we move along. We will meet on Google Meet.

Please note that these sessions are not psychotherapy, nor are they a substitute for psychotherapy. These sessions are inspirational, meaning-making, and reflective in nature. If you are interested in working with me in psychotherapy, please indicate your interest here through the private practice at which I am employed, Holistic Psychotherapy NYC.

If you are interested in moving forward with holistic wellness consulting, please fill out the interest form available here.

*I use a sliding scale. We can discuss your rate after the consultation.

Nonviolent Communication Mediation

Three Sessions: $200-300* (includes one 30-minute session for each party and one mediation session that lasts between 75-120 mins)

Are you and another (friend, family member, partner, etc.) having a disagreement that you both would like to address? Perhaps you would benefit from this session which seeks to allow both of you to articulate what is going on internally and externally, and to find the tools to connect with what is going on for the other person. Using the key principles of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), we can take steps to address the situation in a way that allows for healing, growth, and connection. I will have a 30 minute session with each party prior to the mediation in order to help each party understand the NVC approach and prepare for the mediation. Please fill out the interest form available here to begin the process. Available via Google Meet.

A Day for You

Initial Consultation: Free (20 mins)

New Clients: $400-650* (4 Hours)

Returning Clients: $350-600* (4 Hours)

Do you want something a little more intensive? Try this. We will do it all over a four-hour period. Have your own personal retreat with an astrology session, holistic wellness consultation, Ayurvedic treatment recommendations, and other offerings based on what is best for you in this moment. My hope with this offering is to give the space for those who would like more sustained support and to go a bit deeper.

If you are interested, please fill out the interest form here to schedule a free 20-minute consultation to discuss. Available via Google Meet or in person if you are local in Los Angeles.

*I use a sliding scale for this offering. After our consultation we can discuss which rate works best for you.


Gatherings & Workshops


Workshops are offered on various topics, including astrology, Ayurveda, meditation, and yoga.

Check the workshop calendar here.

Offerings Available by Request

Group Wellness Experiences

Cost TBD

If you're interested in bringing a wellness event to your organization, company, or other group, with either a blend of several offerings, or an emphasis on one, please contact me and we can craft a program that is specific to your needs and wishes. Whether it be for a small or large group, two-hour or multi-day experience, etc. I can create a plan best suited to your vision. I have created curricula specifically catered to the unique needs of various settings, including the following: nonprofits; spiritual organizations; universities; conferences; women's circles; and correctional settings.

The specifics of the contract for this offering will be determined based on what we decide is the best fit. Please email me at to set up a meeting to discuss further.

Interested in one of these offerings?

Move forward with booking it today.