New Moon in Scorpio: Embrace Your Shadow


New Moon in Scorpio exact at November 15 at 12:07am EST

Without endings, there cannot be beginnings.

While New Moons are all about ushering in the new, we can’t do that if we are caught up in what’s to be left behind.

Today, as the energy of the Scorpio New Moon alerts us of the depths of our passions and pains, we are given the opportunity to make space through the alchemical process of transformation and healing. The Moon is in fall in Scorpio, which can be emotionally challenging. The Moon allows us to know what we need, what brings us nourishment and comfort. Scorpio Moons tend to be aware in this way, which is certainly positive — if we cannot see what we need, how will we get our needs met?

However, the struggle here is around extremes. The Moon in Scorpio feels and feels and feels, and holds onto these feelings. Negative feelings can override everything else, and the depths of despair and potential for self-destructive habits may arise, with the possibility of grasping for control via manipulative means. Pleasurable feelings are hard to let go of, which can lead to obsession and excessiveness, and a lack of groundedness in reality.

This New Moon may allow us to get in touch with our emotions more deeply in a way that can clear space for a new emotional experience. Letting go of the negative thoughts and feelings, detrimental subconscious programming, trauma stored in the body, and destructive tendencies can free us. Appreciating moments of joy and happiness fully and with complete presence while acknowledging that they, too, are fleeting, can free us.

Is this process necessarily comfortable? No. But with a Scorpio Moon, we must be aware of how we are so attached to remaining comfortable in our illusions, or ideas of “life = pain” that the comfort zone becomes stifling and unable to contribute to the growth we wish to see. Sometimes we must wrap ourselves in comfort to support ourselves through darker times, and at other times, we must rip that blanket of comfort off and stand naked in the mirror so we may see what is really there. What some may call shadow work.

Below there is a shadow guided meditation with questions for reflection that may support you at this time, along with resources to learn more about or engage in shadow work. With support from Pluto and Jupiter for this New Moon, we are being called to go into the dark so we may emerge in the light.

Shadow Work Resources:

Of course, I am glad to discuss shadow aspects and shadow integration in an astrology or holistic counseling session with you, which you can book here.

Shadow Guided Meditation:

Find a comfortable space, ideally alone, somewhere a bit quiet. I suggest laying down. Feel free to cover your eyes with something to block out light to go deeper within, and sometimes a light blanket can be comforting as you explore what comes up.

Journaling & Self-Care

Take some time to write down the shadow element you isolated in the meditation, and free write or draw a bit about what came up for you around it. Why is it so difficult to face? What and/or who triggers it? Express yourself freely, without judgment.

Be gentle with yourself after the meditation. Maybe take a bath or shower, give yourself a little foot massage… Relax. Facing the shadow is not a light task. If you feel like further processing, go for it, but if you also are simply in a place to only feel it at this time, allow for that.

(If you enjoyed this meditation or download it, I would greatly appreciate a $1 donation via Venmo @chelsie-green.)


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